How to Become a Wrestling Referee

You will not find a sport that rewards the will to overwhelm and defeat an opponent as much as competitive wrestling. It is a sport where desire and emotion are raw. When you become a wrestling referee, you are responsible for not only about enforcing the rules, but also about awarding points and looking out for the safety of the competitors.

Wrestling Referee Training

Becoming a wrestling referee generally involves enrolling with your local state board, passing a written rules exam and passing a test of mechanics by demonstrating proper signals and positioning. One great way to improve is by watching experienced officials to learn how they handle calls, situations and coaches.

To learn about becoming a wrestling referee at the high school level, select your state from the choose a state page and follow the links to your state’s athletic association.

Wrestling Referee Equipment and Uniform

  • Black and white striped short sleeved shirt
  • Black trousers
  • Black belt
  • Black shoes with black laces
  • Black socks
  • Fox 40 whistle with black lanyard

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