How to Become an Umpire for Baseball

Baseball UmpireIf you grew up playing baseball and have a desire to stay involved with the game, why not become an umpire? Even if you did not grow with the game, you may still have what it takes.

Some important qualities for the successful baseball umpire include great vision and communication skills, good athletic ability and an unshakable confidence.  And a love for the game helps as well.

When you become a baseball umpire, opportunities exist at many different skill levels. Little League Baseball umpiring is done primarily on a volunteer basis. Contact your local organization to find out what opportunities are available. On a national basis, Little League offers baseball schools and clinics to assist with umpire training.

Baseball Umpire Training

At upper levels such as Pony Baseball, Babe Ruth Baseball, and American Legion Baseball, a higher degree of experience and certification is expected to be a baseball umpire. This certification is generally done through state boards and organizations that exist to provide baseball umpire training and rules testing.

One waBaseball Umpire Stancey to learn how to become a baseball umpire is to attend a game in your area and speak to one of the umpires after the game is over. The umpire should be able to tell you about the organization to which he or she belongs and share with you how you might become involved.

An online query is another way to locate your state umpire association. Most of these groups certify baseball umpires for high school competition using NFHS rules. Go to the choose a state page and select your state to find information about becoming a high school baseball umpire.

Baseball Umpire Equipment and Uniform

  • Black Socks
  • Black Belt
  • Grey Trousers
  • Special shirt as required by the state association
  • Cap as required
  • Ball and strike indicator
  • Chest protector
  • Cup
  • Shinguards
  • Plate brush
  • Ball bag
  • Black Umpire Shoes with black laces

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